The Rocks, Sydney, January 26 2010
Attendants: Jesse Stevens, David Wells, Sally Smith, Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey
A return to the backdrop of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, this time draped with masses of the ‘ole Aussie oi oi oi business.
A beautiful storage space, quayside in sandstone saw a construction in good time, before venturing out early the next day for the big procession of festival goers, many in fact draped in not much more than the odd Southern Cross with a Union Jack.
While we had prepared a little number for the days vocal activities (and had one spontaneously suggested by Professor Wells) a highlight of the day was the requirement prior to photo permissions, for the enthusiasts to sing a song of their own cultural or national background.
Mo li hua (China), Ai Ri Rang (Korea), a Cumbia from Columbia mixed it with some remarkable Australian patriots who were visiting Australia for the first time singing songs from Arizona to Ireland!
In essence, a good-hearted and enjoyable day was had, featuring the road not-quite-closed, a daredevil wheelchair athlete and of course, plenty of the old oi oi at different times.