March – May 2009
Attendants: Jesse Stevens (Mildura and Castlemaine), Sally Smith and Carolyn Connors (Castlemaine), Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey (Mildura, Castlemaine and Horsham).
A tour of the Victorian inlands, featuring the stunning landscapes of Gariwerd, the dry lake beds of the Wimmera plains, the banks of the Murray and the restive folks of the regional towns of Castlemaine (State Festival), Horsham (Art-Is) and Mildura (Mildura Festival).
Part road-trip, part pony ride and part bed and breakfast, these excursions allowed us to indulge location for the pleasure of the locations.
We were stunned to arrive at Natimuk Lake at 5.30am to find a contingent of local art lovers waiting to capture the silent and still symbolism of mute red horns at dawn, and enjoyed a champagne ambience on the rocks at Mt Zero.
More urban and urbane locations within the towns saw bemused coffee lovers, and only those willing to brave the scorching sun to burn their fingers on a little megaphone action.
Thanks to the local Festivals and Regional Arts Victoria for supporting this tour.